It is my honor and privilege that Pleasant View has called me to be their pastor. My first Sunday was October 11, 2020. I can honestly say I am overwhelmed at the acceptance I've received and the genuine outpouring of love.
This is my first church to serve as pastor full time, and I love it. It's a joy to be able to focus so much of my time to studying, prayer, and also to the needs of the congregation. This is a pastor's dream, and I know I'm blessed to enjoy this.
I have been a bi-vocational pastor for around 20 years. I've been blessed to pastor five churches at this point. Each church has been a blessing to my family, and I've learned and grew in the Lord from all of them.
My family and I were members at Pleasant View for a total of 2 years prior to being called to be their pastor. We were amazed at how eager the church was to meet the needs of the congregation, the community, and for missions. It also has some of the best singing this side of heaven. We quickly fell in love.
As we move forward together as a church, my desire is that we "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". "Always abounding in the work of the Lord". Phil 3:14, 1 Cor 5:58
Yours in Christ,
Earl Harper